- September 14, 2023

Generate leads while promoting your whitepaper, video, or other resource to 110,000 automation and control professionals
Automation.com provides the highest quality lead information through our generation capabilities. You provide the content you want to offer our readers, and we will promote it to our subscribers through an eblast delivered to 110,000 automation and control professionals.
We will provide you with contact information of the subscribers who click on your asset, allowing readers access to your content without having to complete a form. Your leads will be emailed to you in an Excel spreadsheet seven days after the eblast is deployed. The lead information will be based on the data each subscriber provides in their profile.
Featured Content Alert - $4,405
- Promote your white paper, guide, ebook, video, or other asset
- Includes lead generation based on clicks
Custom Alert Email - Price dependent upon list size
- Promote your message through Automation.com’s alert email template, customizable to match your content. Target our Global, North America, or US subscribers
- Select with or without lead reporting
Multi-Format Placement - $5,455
- Contribute your valuable content (article, white paper, video, case study, or other asset) to be published in a premium position on Automation.com’s home page, news, and portal pages
- Content will also be placed in a Featured Content Alert eblast, distributed to 110,000 professionals. Includes lead generation based on clicks
- Content will be posted on Automation.com’s social media platforms
Sponsored Article - $1,195
- Contribute your valuable content (article, white paper, video, case study, or other asset) to be published in a premium position on Automation.com’s home page, news, and portal pages
- Content will be posted on Automation.com’s social media platforms